The hat I made for my Dad was looking a little ragged. Partly because it never fit him particularly well and partly because yarn just doesn't stand a chance against the little velcro patches on his pockets!
So a new hat was in order. I finally decided on a pattern that was first seen in the much missed TV series "Firefly". One of the characters wore this garish red, yellow and orange hat.
The following is dialog from Firefly, The Message.
How's it sit? Pretty cunning,
don'tchya think?
I think it's the sweetest hat ever.
Makes a statement.
Yeah, yeah!
A man walks down the street in that
hat, people know he's not afraid of
Damn straight.
Now while I admit that no on wants to see my Dad in those colors (although it would be mighty hard to lose him in a crowd) I did in fact find many merits to the style of hat. The ear flaps for his always cold ears and who doesn't love a pom pom?!
So here is MY version of Jayne's Hat for Dad. It's Green tweed for one and has a smaller, but totally kick ass pom pom. I also made the ear flaps a bit smaller too. Hope he likes it!! And I must say, I do believe Tali makes an EXCELLENT hat model!!
Dad would have worn the hat just becasue you made it for him.
He'd wear it even if he though it was awful for just that reason!
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