Sunday, March 16, 2008

Knitting and Firefly.. A lovely combo

Today was a good knitting kind of a day. I finished the thumb on the purple glove this morning and than got started on my second fingerless glove this afternoon. Same pattern, just no fingers.

My original intention was to make the gloves in the rust color, but I neglected to make sure I had two skeins before casting on. So I got all but three fingers finished before realizing I didn't have enough to finish the second one. So I ripped off the two completed fingers and added some ribbing at the top. Throwing caution to the wind, I started the second glove and guess what?! I had enough to finish with quite a bit to spare.

The best part, was that I sat and watched episodes of Firefly on the computer while knitting. Jayne's Hat got me craving the crew of Serenity. Very happy indeed.

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