Thursday, January 31, 2008

What is Human Made and Can Be Seen From Space?

The Great Wall of China AND Nina's new sweater!

Oy, what a freakin' mess. First of all, using misc. yarn from your stash SUCKS! Second of all, my intention was to try to work up a new four legged pattern I got from a designer on Ravelry. It all looked exciting and fun, however, it just didn't knit up well for me. Even though I followed the pattern AND measured correctly it didn't fit Nina at all. I finally just gave up on it and ripped it all out. I decided instead to go with my own sweater design just so I could use up this yarn.

Well it all went to hell. The damned thing is way to wide, shaped miserably and quite frankly, UGLY! I tried to figure out how to put back legs on but those went down in a flame of glory so I ripped those off too and called the sweater officially finished.

It looks like Rainbow Bright vomited on her. You know what it will be good for though...the park. There's not chance in hell I'd lose track of her in this monstrosity!

She's so embarrassed by it that she's decided to go Incognito when I put it on! Poor Neener Neener.

Sunday, January 20, 2008

It's been awhile since I've completed anything. Mostly because the Fibro has been kicking my ass lately. In my knitable moments, I've been working on Mom's Shawl. I've finished three skeins, so three more to go.

But I decided last night that I needed some instant gratification. So a Dog Sweater was the perfect choice.
I'm trying to avoid buying new yarn for awhile and instead try to use up my stash. I think it's safe to say that there will be some oddly colored things knit up in the weeks to come! Why is it that a yarn looks so much fun sitting in the clearance rack and yet, once it gets home, you can't think of a damned thing you want to produce with it?

Anyway, today's selection is a Lionbrand Homespun...the color isMediterranean to be exact. I HATE using homespun. It feels terribly synthetic in your hands and the yarn separates in a most annoying fashion. However, it does produce and interesting texture so at least that's something.

I whipped up this little number in about 11 hours. I basically know the shape it needs to be so wing it as I knit along. The shape of this sweater came out great for Eli. It covers enough of his tummy to keep him warm, without being so far down that he pee's on it. And the back is nice and roomy so it falls over his thighs.

Wait until you see what's on the needles's something to behold I tell ya..

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

I keeps going and going and going...

LOL!! Ok, really. I'm busy working on a shawl for my Mom. And she's working on one for me! Each of us picked out the pattern we liked and the yarn we wanted and off we went.
The one I'm working on currently measures about 34 inches long. Hopefully by the time I'm finished it will be 72 inches. I'm 2.5 of 6 Skeins down.

I decided not to start anything else until this is completed. That has been quite a change as I'm generally starting and finishing a project in a matter of days. I estimate it will take a few weeks to complete. The good thing is that it's an easy pattern that I don't have to pay much attention to. So it's no problem to watch TV or listen to Audio Books. Plus I haven't been feeling well lately. So this allows me to still knit w/o needing to engage my brain.

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

One Done

I have finally completed the first (and possibly last) thrummed mitten!!!
All shall rejoice and be thankful

Here is a comparison of the mitten vs. my hand so you can see how large it had to be to fit all the thrum inside!

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Misery I hate this mitten! I've decided that thrumming SUCKS!! It could also be that I don't like this yarn. The yarn keeps separating which is driving me NUTS! I've just got the thumb left to do, which I will out of principle. I'm not so sure about it's mate however.... I may need to wait for a day when the trauma of this one has faded into a distant memory.
I do have to say this's SUPER warm and I would very much like to have a matched set to wear. Oh well. Someday.

Here's the inside of the glove

It looks like a muffin top

Here it is...minus the thumb.